Awaken to Purpose in Life and Work

Brigid O’Kane works with a broad range of individuals and organizations to evolve personal, professional, and organizational growth. Various approaches and activities expand our awareness so we see a broader perspective. From this position we begin to consider the state of our circumstances in different ways. Seeing from various points of view requires a sense of presence from within. Understanding our inner realm is essential in manifesting meaningful and lasting change.

“Who you are being during the process of creating is just as important as what you ultimately produce." –Brigid O’Kane


Brigid O’Kane is…

…internationally known for her award winning presentations, having been invited to present at numerous events in more than ten different countries. Her research focuses on reconciling the relationship between an industry that mass produces products for consumption and the natural world that sustains life. Professor O’Kane generously shares her knowledge through workshops, seminars, and lectures in various contexts and for diverse audiences.


“Brigid rounds out each class with her remarkable creative drawing skills and artistic knowledge that, coupled with a personable grace, enables her to provide growth and direction to anyone at whatever level of experience.” by Kitty Schroder

“I love the balance of mindfulness and creative practices. It was a blessing in disguise for me to take Brigid’s class. Because of this class I started on a new journey in life.” by Patricia Desmond

“This class added a whole other set of tools for the process and for processing all that bubbles up from the inside or confronts you on the outside.” by Jessica Grace Bechtel